Day 1 to Day 8 - 14/02 to 22/02
Hello friends!
Today I bring you my first 8 days of productivity. I'm not going to talk about each photo specifically but I've been having some pretty good and productive days. I started my second and last semester of university EVER (as an undergraduate) and I've already started studying and trying to stay on top of things! I pretty much spent these days working on a presentation that I have to do in a few months and that is very important to me, personally and professionally. I'm nowhere near finished with it but I already have some guidelines so I feel confident about what I have so far (aka I have panicked a lot but I think I'm calm now).
However, I have done a few more productive things during these past 8 days (and not so productive things as well):
- I've been writing posts in advance for this blog for when I get really busy with university;
- Even though I'm currently on a reading slump, I've been trying to read a bit every day;
- I've been feeling generally happy with myself and that's a milestone for me (YAY). That makes me so motivated to follow my goals;
- I've also been loving my classes so so much - I've been feeling so much like Rory Gilmore, and that makes me so happy because, if you truly know me, you know that she is my ultimate inspiration and everything I want to be in life;
- I've also been obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is part of the reason why I'm on a reading slump and the not-so-productive activity. I managed to watch 2 seasons in a week or so. I'm currently on season 3 and I'm so addicted to the show, it's insane. I've known about this tv show all my life (not literally but almost) and it has just sort of always been there. Just like Smallville, for example - everyone knows about Smallville but not everyone has seen it (I've only seen season 1, by the way).
There's not really much else to say, to be honest. These last few weeks basically consisted on: going to university > classes > lunch > classes > home > studying (aka researching and reading) > dinner > buffy the vampire slayer > read > sleep. However, I want to be able to do some more serious research for my presentation, so I'm going to try to dedicate more time to it in the next few days.
How are you? What is the most productive thing you've done today/this week?

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