Hello friends! I hope you're having a great day!
I've been binge-watching some booktube videos and I found the "A to Z Bookish Survey", which I, upon some further research, found it was created by the lovely Jamie from Perpetual Page Turner. I thought it was so interesting that I decided to make it. Here we go:
Author you've read the most books from: Jenny Han
Best sequel ever: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
Currently reading: I just finished a book so I haven't picked up a new one, yet.
E-reader or physical books: hmm... I love both but I have to say physical books. I use my e-reading for books that I don't really want to spend that much money on or that I don't want on my shelves, so I also find it pretty useful (and I love my e-reader so much). You can also take your e-reader wherever and have multiples books stored in one handy device!
Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in high school: oh this is a hard one. I have so many book boyfriends! I guess I would pick either AJ from Every Last Word or Jase from My Life Next Door. They are the sweetest
Glad you gave this book a chance: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Hidden gem book: Kasie West books! They are all funny, lighthearted and sweet. They are not 5 start books to me but they are so much fun to read! My advice: marathon her books and you'll be happy!
Important moment in your reading life: I think one of the most important moments of my reading life was finding booktube. The Hunger Games trilogy was what got me back into reading during high school but it was booktube that made me feel motivated to pick up more books and read more often, so I'm really thankful for all the booktube community!
Just Finished: Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Kind of books you won't read: hmm, you never know what you might feel like reading in the future, but I believe I won't ever want to read erotica fiction. It's just not appealing to me.
Longest book you've read: The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons - 810 pages!!!
Major book hangover because of: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (obviously)
Number of bookcases you own: 2, a tall bookcase and a small one.
One book you have read multiple times: The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. That was my gem back when I was 11/12 years old (and those were the books that really introduced me to the world of books so I'm very thankful for this series).
Preferred place to read: My bed or my favourite spot on the couch, next to a tall lamp.
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you've read: A quote that I read and that has become one of my favourites is from The Bronze Horseman and it is: "Not bombs nor my broken heart can take away from me walking barefoot with you in jasmine June through the Field of Mars."
Reading regret: Probably trying to read the Rosemary Beach series. A lot of people like that series but I read the first book and I just hated it so much.
Series you started and need to finish (all books are out in series): The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I need to read the last two books!
Three of your all-time favourite books: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas; Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen; Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone
Unapologetic fangirl for: Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas. I will never apologize for being a total fangirl for the series, hehe :D
Very excited for this release more than all others: Throne of Glass #5 by Sarah J. Maas (what did you expect?)
Worst bookish habit: I often look at the pages ahead and end up spoiling myself... I need to stop doing that because it sucks.
X marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys (I'm really intrigued by this historical fiction novel! I've heard so many great things about this author! And it's always good to read historical fiction set during World War II)
Your latest book purchase: I just bought All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher.
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up way late): Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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