Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey @ GingerReadsLainey and wednesday's topic was Top 5 Books I'm intimidated by!
Hello friends!! Long time no see! First of all, I am aware that it's no longer Wednesday but I really wanted to do this! I've been busy with university, my anxiety levels have been really high and I also did some travelling (but that will come in a separate blog post). I really missed writing here, so I'm going to try to post more often so I can also have some free time for myself.
Today I bring you the top 5 books I'm intimidated by! I really loved this topic and I instantly knew that I wanted to write a blog post about it (even though I'm posting this a bit late. I swear I write it all on Wednesday, I just forgot to post it!!! *cries*) . Without further ado, here are some of the books that I'm scared but excited to read (sometime soon... hopefully):
1. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson (the whole Mistborn Trilogy, to be honest)
2. The Diviners by Libba Bray
3. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
4. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
5. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
The last one might seem really strange (maybe the last two ones). The reason why I added it is because there are a lot of people who hated these books and a lot of people who loved them, so I'm a bit torn and intimidated. I've also heard people comparing it to Game of Thrones - Also intimidating. I added The Raven Boys because people always mention how slow and completely different from everything they have read, and I don't know how to feel about that.
Which book(s) are you intimidated by? Let me know in the comments!

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