Hi everyone!!! Summer's finally here and I have all the time in the world. Why? Because I FINISHED MY DEGREE!!! I'm no longer an undergraduate student and I have a piece of paper that tells everyone that I studied a lot during 3 years and am qualified enough to get a job related to International Relations (which, of course, they won't give it to me because I'm a newbie). I'm so excited and yet I'm already missing everything: classes, learning about what I love, my friends... It's sad because we'll follow different paths and who knows when we'll meet again? I'm going to get my master's degree so I'll still study for two more years but it won't be the same anymore and that's a weird feeling. But we're scheduling a lot of things to do together this summer so maybe it's not over yet! Who knew I would miss so many people? Three years ago, before starting uni, I would have told you that my goal was to graduate and never see these people again, simply because I rarely develop friendships with the people I work with and am with every day. But I really like everyone and I'm sad it's over. But who knows what's coming my way? That makes me excited! I can't wait for all the opportunities ahead and all that I still have yet to learn.
I guess I have a few updates for you:
Blog: I HAVE A NEW THEME!!! In case you didn't notice, it's alright. It's very similar to my last one, but way better.
What I read: There was a moment during all these months of hard work where I stopped reading, which means that I have probably read two books from February to now. I wanted to get the best grades I could so I had to give up some things, as much as that made me super sad and sometimes frustrated. But the hard work certainly paid off.
What I'm currently reading: (or what I've been reading for a whole month because exams were killing me) The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater! Guys, I love this book so much!!!! I never thought I would love it as much as I do. Everyone was saying that it was a slow-paced book and I don't really like that, so I was very skeptical. But I picked it up and I was instantly addicted! This books gives such different vibes - it's like you're transfixed or you've been transported into a wonderful world where you're just causally hanging out with the best people ever. Seriously, I'm in love. I was 50 pages in and I immediately bought the next 3 books.
Things I've been loving recently:
- I've been addicted to Hamilton (just like everyone else because it's that epic!);
- I watched Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki and I will never forget this beautiful and magical movie;
- Delirium by Ellie Goulding
- The Raven Boys (hehe)
- Still lovin' those big books I need to read
- Myself (yes, I've really been loving myself and that's such a great feeling, to be honest *heart eyes emoji*) and my new haircut
What I've been doing:
- Catching up on tv shows (Homeland, How to Get Away With Murder, That 70's Show, Game of Thrones (lol))
- Reading (even though I still haven't been doing much reading)
I'm so happy to be back! A big Book Haul is coming soon *wink wink*. I hope you're having a great day and reading lots!

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